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### Multiline Text
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UTSA Libraries and Museums
Ursuline History Center
at UTSA Southwest
HTMLText_93D5F692_80A2_6B6F_41B5_32F555F86C3A.html = UTSA Libraries and Museums
Ursuline History Center
at UTSA Southwest
HTMLText_9D2FEF8C_83A2_597B_41D7_F905A4493E51_mobile.html = China Doll Arms
Lent by Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory
University of Texas, Austin
HTMLText_84B77865_8B41_7089_41D0_8EC6E6EBE6A1_mobile.html = Toothbrush Fragment
Lent by Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory
University of Texas, Austin
HTMLText_98CFBA32_8B4E_908B_41B2_9591E91B2796_mobile.html = Two Medicine Bottles
Lent by Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory
University of Texas, Austin
HTMLText_A2F8CB70_8B97_C9A1_41D1_FE16ACC74844_mobile.html = Academic Desk, 19th c.
Lent by San Antonio Conservation Society
This oak desk is sized for an adult and was probably used in the classroom by one of the teaching sisters at the convent.
HTMLText_94350024_8BB1_37A1_41DB_A9491831B1DD_mobile.html = Annual, 1950s
Gift of Joyce Chamberlain
HTMLText_990498FD_8B41_9179_41C3_6BA1738E56C8_mobile.html = Assorted Square Nails, 19th c.
Permanent Collection
HTMLText_B911B157_8BF3_59EF_41A7_A7405E7A7628_mobile.html = Bowtie with Music Pin
Gift of Theresa Gros Gold
The navy bowtie was part of the younger students' uniform. This example includes a pin for achievement in music.
HTMLText_9688E16E_8BB1_59A1_41BD_A38749D58B6E_mobile.html = Class Ring, 1949
Gift of Lucille Bertetti Smith
HTMLText_9EF87056_8B47_B08B_41C1_CFB863DAA5C8_mobile.html = Detail of Ursuline Students, c. 1874
Institute of Texan Cultures, Courtesy of Charles Toudouze
HTMLText_DED15CDC_934C_A28A_41E1_2127A6F9D430_mobile.html = Diploma, 1941
Lent by Katherine Bernier Price
HTMLText_A2A001C3_8B91_38E7_41D6_2E27AAF664DE_mobile.html = Diploma, 1941
Lent by Katherine Bernier Price
HTMLText_84FC9D58_8B71_49E1_41CB_E59952A29475_mobile.html = Holy Cards, 1940s
Gift of Theresa Gros Gold
HTMLText_903BEF51_8BAE_C9E3_41CD_7AA9ADA12CCD_mobile.html = Leather Bound Yearbook, 1925
Gift of the Archives of the Ursuline Provincialate, Crystal City, MO
HTMLText_93EE3D03_8B91_C967_41E0_C733CF22C29A_mobile.html = Order of Service, 1941
Permanent Collection
HTMLText_926817E4_8B91_58A1_41D2_C30ECCA9EE61_mobile.html = Report Card, 1946
Gift by Olga Litras Callins
HTMLText_925C3831_8B92_F7A3_41B8_A8D217D4F12B_mobile.html = Rosary and Box, 1920s
Lent by Joyce Chamberlain
HTMLText_95F5F1D3_8BB7_38E7_41C4_89834658BF7E_mobile.html = School Pennant
Lent by Aurora Jean Sada Pacheco
HTMLText_A75C3475_954D_619A_41DE_90ED73F90E62_mobile.html = Two Medals, 1886-88
00.11.01, 00.11.02
Gifts of Mrs. Stephen O'Brien
HTMLText_9273D1E3_8B92_F8A7_41D6_3DED5AF74C73_mobile.html = Ursuline Standards, 1947
Lent by Evelyn Treviño Heny
HTMLText_AAF5AA6A_8BB3_4BA1_41DA_A3F0608BBF84_mobile.html = Weaving Pattern and Sample, 1970s
Marian Powell
Permanent Collection
HTMLText_84CC233D_8B71_59A3_41A4_60D517DCF3A7_mobile.html = Painting class, 1880s
Institute of Texan Cultures, Courtesy of Bill Cotulla
HTMLText_B911B157_8BF3_59EF_41A7_A7405E7A7628.html = Bowtie with Music Pin
Gift of Theresa Gros Gold
The navy bowtie was part of the younger students' uniform. This example includes a pin for achievement in music.
HTMLText_A2F8CB70_8B97_C9A1_41D1_FE16ACC74844.html = Academic Desk, 19th c.
Lent by San Antonio Conservation Society
This oak desk is sized for an adult and was probably used in the classroom by one of the teaching sisters at the convent.
HTMLText_94350024_8BB1_37A1_41DB_A9491831B1DD.html = Annual, 1950s
Gift of Joyce Chamberlain
HTMLText_990498FD_8B41_9179_41C3_6BA1738E56C8.html = Assorted Square Nails, 19th c.
Permanent Collection
HTMLText_9D2FEF8C_83A2_597B_41D7_F905A4493E51.html = China Doll Arms
Lent by Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory
University of Texas, Austin
HTMLText_9688E16E_8BB1_59A1_41BD_A38749D58B6E.html = Class Ring, 1949
Gift of Lucille Bertetti Smith
HTMLText_9EF87056_8B47_B08B_41C1_CFB863DAA5C8.html = Detail of Ursuline Students, c. 1874
Institute of Texan Cultures, Courtesy of Charles Toudouze
HTMLText_DED15CDC_934C_A28A_41E1_2127A6F9D430.html = Diploma, 1941
Lent by Katherine Bernier Price
HTMLText_A2A001C3_8B91_38E7_41D6_2E27AAF664DE.html = Diploma, 1941
Lent by Katherine Bernier Price
HTMLText_84FC9D58_8B71_49E1_41CB_E59952A29475.html = Holy Cards, 1940s
Gift of Theresa Gros Gold
HTMLText_903BEF51_8BAE_C9E3_41CD_7AA9ADA12CCD.html = Leather Bound Yearbook, 1925
Gift of the Archives of the Ursuline Provincialate, Crystal City, MO
HTMLText_93EE3D03_8B91_C967_41E0_C733CF22C29A.html = Order of Service, 1941
Permanent Collection
HTMLText_926817E4_8B91_58A1_41D2_C30ECCA9EE61.html = Report Card, 1946
Gift by Olga Litras Callins
HTMLText_925C3831_8B92_F7A3_41B8_A8D217D4F12B.html = Rosary and Box, 1920s
Lent by Joyce Chamberlain
HTMLText_95F5F1D3_8BB7_38E7_41C4_89834658BF7E.html = School Pennant
Lent by Aurora Jean Sada Pacheco
HTMLText_84B77865_8B41_7089_41D0_8EC6E6EBE6A1.html = Toothbrush Fragment
Lent by Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory
University of Texas, Austin
HTMLText_A75C3475_954D_619A_41DE_90ED73F90E62.html = Two Medals, 1886-88
00.11.01, 00.11.02
Gifts of Mrs. Stephen O'Brien
HTMLText_98CFBA32_8B4E_908B_41B2_9591E91B2796.html = Two Medicine Bottles
Lent by Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory
University of Texas, Austin
HTMLText_9273D1E3_8B92_F8A7_41D6_3DED5AF74C73.html = Ursuline Standards, 1947
Lent by Evelyn Treviño Heny
HTMLText_AAF5AA6A_8BB3_4BA1_41DA_A3F0608BBF84.html = Weaving Pattern and Sample, 1970s
Marian Powell
Permanent Collection
HTMLText_84CC233D_8B71_59A3_41A4_60D517DCF3A7.html = Painting class, 1880s
Institute of Texan Cultures, Courtesy of Bill Cotulla
HTMLText_A81E7F88_8BB3_4961_41D8_CDF913F3A4AB.html = Portrait of Mother Magdalen, 1898
Augusta Elizabeth Kroeninger
Lent by Helen Yturri
Rudecinda de la Garza was born March 1, 1826 to a well-known banking family in San Antonio, and was descended from the Canary Island settlers who came to the region in 1715. She was extremely well educated for her time; fluent in Spanish, French, English, German and Latin.
When the original seven nuns arrived in San Antonio in 1851 to start the first school for girls, they spoke only French, English and German and needed a translator who spoke Spanish. Rudecinda served as translator, and also taught the nuns Spanish. She became one of the earliest local postulants, pronouncing her religious vows in 1855, with the Rev. Claude Dubuis officiating.
At the time of her profession, de la Garza took the religious name of Sister Mary Magdalen. She became the Mother Superior of the convent in 1869, and held that office for 19 years. She was, by all accounts, an extraordinary woman, whose biography in the Ursuline archives notes that "Her constant aim was to conform herself to the will of God. All the virtues shone in her everyday life, yet the most conspicuous seemed to have been kind sympathy, humility, simplicity, confidence in God, and an abiding spirit of joy."
This portrait of Mother Magdalen was done one year after her death by Augusta Kroeninger. Kroeninger was born in Pennsylvania and married Charles Kroeninger, a local bookkeeper. The couple lived on North Flores Street, and Augusta listed herself in the city directory with the occupation, "artist." Kroeninger created sculptural bust and painted portraits.
HTMLText_A81E7F88_8BB3_4961_41D8_CDF913F3A4AB_mobile.html = Portrait of Mother Magdalen, 1898
Augusta Elizabeth Kroeninger
Lent by Helen Yturri
Rudecinda de la Garza was born March 1, 1826 to a well-known banking family in San Antonio, and was descended from the Canary Island settlers who came to the region in 1715. She was extremely well educated for her time; fluent in Spanish, French, English, German and Latin.
When the original seven nuns arrived in San Antonio in 1851 to start the first school for girls, they spoke only French, English and German and needed a translator who spoke Spanish. Rudecinda served as translator, and also taught the nuns Spanish. She became one of the earliest local postulants, pronouncing her religious vows in 1855, with the Rev. Claude Dubuis officiating.
At the time of her profession, de la Garza took the religious name of Sister Mary Magdalen. She became the Mother Superior of the convent in 1869, and held that office for 19 years. She was, by all accounts, an extraordinary woman, whose biography in the Ursuline archives notes that "Her constant aim was to conform herself to the will of God. All the virtues shone in her everyday life, yet the most conspicuous seemed to have been kind sympathy, humility, simplicity, confidence in God, and an abiding spirit of joy."
This portrait of Mother Magdalen was done one year after her death by Augusta Kroeninger. Kroeninger was born in Pennsylvania and married Charles Kroeninger, a local bookkeeper. The couple lived on North Flores Street, and Augusta listed herself in the city directory with the occupation, "artist." Kroeninger created sculptural bust and painted portraits.
HTMLText_A0BB6452_8B92_DFE1_41D4_1432D3387B37_mobile.html = Day Bed
Gift of Floy Fontaine Jordan
Floy, Emily, Helen and Lillian Edwards came to live at the Ursuline Convent as boarding students in 1898. Floy was 11, Emily was 8, Helen 5 and Lillian, the youngest student ever accepted, was 3. The Edwards sisters came from a South Texas ranch family, and had lost their mother only a few years before.
This day bed was Floy's first bed at the convent and was passed down to one of her younger siblings when she grew too big for it. It was inherited by Floy Edwards Fontaine's daughter, Floy Fontaine Jordan, who bequeathed it to the school. Emily Edwards described the dormitory arrangements, writing:
Each narrow spool-bed had a tall frame with a white curtain that at night was drawn along one side and on the aisle, to form separate private nooks; a stool, a hook, and a rug furnished each, plus a small white pot under the bed. A nun slept in an alcove, enclosed in a corner by white curtains. A kerosene lamp burned low.
HTMLText_A0BB6452_8B92_DFE1_41D4_1432D3387B37.html = Day Bed
Gift of Floy Fontaine Jordan
Floy, Emily, Helen and Lillian Edwards came to live at the Ursuline Convent as boarding students in 1898. Floy was 11, Emily was 8, Helen 5 and Lillian, the youngest student ever accepted, was 3. The Edwards sisters came from a South Texas ranch family, and had lost their mother only a few years before.
This day bed was Floy's first bed at the convent and was passed down to one of her younger siblings when she grew too big for it. It was inherited by Floy Edwards Fontaine's daughter, Floy Fontaine Jordan, who bequeathed it to the school. Emily Edwards described the dormitory arrangements, writing:
Each narrow spool-bed had a tall frame with a white curtain that at night was drawn along one side and on the aisle, to form separate private nooks; a stool, a hook, and a rug furnished each, plus a small white pot under the bed. A nun slept in an alcove, enclosed in a corner by white curtains. A kerosene lamp burned low.
HTMLText_A2DA03F7_8B9E_F8AF_41A7_FB2C1D7618C5.html = Quilt, c. late 19th or early 20th c.
Gift of Maggie Saunders Block
Though not original to the Ursuline Convent, this quilt is similar to those used by nuns and boarders. Quilts were used in the convent as bed covers as early as the 1850s. In 1852, Sister M. Augustine Joseph described the dormitory rooms as having "Bedsteads like those at dear St. Mary's. Blue and white plaid quilts, and white muslin mosquitaries."
In her recollection of life at the convent around the turn of the century, Emily Edwards wrote: "She (Sister Claire) was who tucked us back into our beds... and supplied heavy quilts when northers came. These quilts were covered with cloth of strange elaborate designs that may have been French peasant cloi joli."
HTMLText_A2DA03F7_8B9E_F8AF_41A7_FB2C1D7618C5_mobile.html = Quilt, c. late 19th or early 20th c.
Gift of Maggie Saunders Block
Though not original to the Ursuline Convent, this quilt is similar to those used by nuns and boarders. Quilts were used in the convent as bed covers as early as the 1850s. In 1852, Sister M. Augustine Joseph described the dormitory rooms as having "Bedsteads like those at dear St. Mary's. Blue and white plaid quilts, and white muslin mosquitaries."
In her recollection of life at the convent around the turn of the century, Emily Edwards wrote: "She (Sister Claire) was who tucked us back into our beds... and supplied heavy quilts when northers came. These quilts were covered with cloth of strange elaborate designs that may have been French peasant cloi joli."
HTMLText_AB922B2F_8BB1_C9BF_41D9_98B254986FB8_mobile.html = Beanie
Lent by Aurora Jean Sada Pacheco
As a sign of respect and reverence, Ursuline students covered their heads when they attended Mass. The younger students wore navy blue felt beanies or caps with "UA" on the front, as displayed.
HTMLText_AB922B2F_8BB1_C9BF_41D9_98B254986FB8.html = Beanie
Lent by Aurora Jean Sada Pacheco
As a sign of respect and reverence, Ursuline students covered their heads when they attended Mass. The younger students wore navy blue felt beanies or caps with "UA" on the front, as displayed.
HTMLText_9EE5FE89_8B6E_CB63_41CB_EED5C3756085_mobile.html = Book of Litanies, 1890s
Lent by Helen Yturri
This leather bound book of prayers was given by Mother Magdalen to her niece, Carrie Dewitt for Christmas in 1896. Mother Magdalen, one of the earliest local postulants at the Ursuline Convent, and Mother Superior for many years, died the following year in September.
HTMLText_9EE5FE89_8B6E_CB63_41CB_EED5C3756085.html = Book of Litanies, 1890s
Lent by Helen Yturri
This leather bound book of prayers was given by Mother Magdalen to her niece, Carrie Dewitt for Christmas in 1896. Mother Magdalen, one of the earliest local postulants at the Ursuline Convent, and Mother Superior for many years, died the following year in September.
HTMLText_91DB7931_8B97_C9A3_41D8_2CAA19BFB19E_mobile.html = Book of Prayers with Card, 1920s
Lent by Joyce Chamberlain
This rosary and book of prayers were given by the Ursuline Sisters to Joyce Chamberlain on the occasion of her first communion.
HTMLText_91DB7931_8B97_C9A3_41D8_2CAA19BFB19E.html = Book of Prayers with Card, 1920s
Lent by Joyce Chamberlain
This rosary and book of prayers were given by the Ursuline Sisters to Joyce Chamberlain on the occasion of her first communion.
HTMLText_A06CCB1E_8B93_C961_41B5_3CC771655CD4.html = Chair, 19th c.
Permanent Collection
This chair closely resembles a set of five chairs that were sold at auction when the convent closed in the 1960s. At that time, the Ursuline nuns sold the furniture that they did not want to take to their new campus on Vance Jackson Road in San Antonio.
HTMLText_A06CCB1E_8B93_C961_41B5_3CC771655CD4_mobile.html = Chair, 19th c.
Permanent Collection
This chair closely resembles a set of five chairs that were sold at auction when the convent closed in the 1960s. At that time, the Ursuline nuns sold the furniture that they did not want to take to their new campus on Vance Jackson Road in San Antonio.
HTMLText_9D0DB3E8_8B42_B787_41D7_4B5531880A3D_mobile.html = Communion Memento, April 23, 1871
Lent by the San Antonio Conservation Society
Special mementos given on the occasion of the first communion continue to be important in Catholic families today. This early example, in French, was given to Denise M. Josephine Foutrel in 1871. It was signed by Bishop Claude Dubuis, the priest who had accompanied the original seven nuns from Galveston to San Antonio in 1851.
HTMLText_9D0DB3E8_8B42_B787_41D7_4B5531880A3D.html = Communion Memento, April 23, 1871
Lent by the San Antonio Conservation Society
Special mementos given on the occasion of the first communion continue to be important in Catholic families today. This early example, in French, was given to Denise M. Josephine Foutrel in 1871. It was signed by Bishop Claude Dubuis, the priest who had accompanied the original seven nuns from Galveston to San Antonio in 1851.
HTMLText_9AE001C2_8B71_38E1_41E0_BDD42B0E8568_mobile.html = Crosses and Medals
Gift of Theresa Gros Gold
Theresa Gros Gold, niece of twin nuns Mother Elizabeth Theresa and Mother Ann Marguerite, was a student at the Ursuline Academy during the 1940s. Her collection of dozens of holy cards, crosses and medals is an indication of the affection shown by the Ursuline nuns for their students.
HTMLText_9AE001C2_8B71_38E1_41E0_BDD42B0E8568.html = Crosses and Medals
Gift of Theresa Gros Gold
Theresa Gros Gold, niece of twin nuns Mother Elizabeth Theresa and Mother Ann Marguerite, was a student at the Ursuline Academy during the 1940s. Her collection of dozens of holy cards, crosses and medals is an indication of the affection shown by the Ursuline nuns for their students.
HTMLText_9E948B5B_8B71_49E7_41D9_2A0C5C00E7B2_mobile.html = Crucifix and Cross, 19th c.
Lent by Texas Archeological Research Laboratory
University of Texas, Austin
These crosses were excavated during archaeological digs conducted by the University of Texas on the Ursuline grounds during the 1980s.
HTMLText_9E948B5B_8B71_49E7_41D9_2A0C5C00E7B2.html = Crucifix and Cross, 19th c.
Lent by Texas Archeological Research Laboratory
University of Texas, Austin
These crosses were excavated during archaeological digs conducted by the University of Texas on the Ursuline grounds during the 1980s.
HTMLText_A087930A_8B91_3961_41B5_C87FE6871F2C.html = Embroidery Sampler, 1868
Maker Unknown
Gift of the Ursuline Sisters from the Ursuline Archives
This embroidery sampler on woven linen features hand-dyed wool thread. It was likely created during an embroidery class part of the general curricula for young ladies in the 19th century.
HTMLText_A087930A_8B91_3961_41B5_C87FE6871F2C_mobile.html = Embroidery Sampler, 1868
Maker Unknown
Gift of the Ursuline Sisters from the Ursuline Archives
This embroidery sampler on woven linen features hand-dyed wool thread. It was likely created during an embroidery class part of the general curricula for young ladies in the 19th century.
HTMLText_A4A51773_9547_AF9E_41AB_67002705552E_mobile.html = Mother Superior's Desk, 1845-60
Lent by the San Antonio Conservation Society
This desk, said to be the original Mother Superior's, was constructed during the mid-19th century with square nails. Early letters from two Ursuline sisters to their convent in Ireland refer to belongings sent from New Orleans soon after the arrival of the nuns in 1851. Trace inscriptions in the upper compartment reveal fragments of sentences in French, and an address on Canal Street. The desk is signed with the initials MEK.
HTMLText_A4A51773_9547_AF9E_41AB_67002705552E.html = Mother Superior's Desk, 1845-60
Lent by the San Antonio Conservation Society
This desk, said to be the original Mother Superior's, was constructed during the mid-19th century with square nails. Early letters from two Ursuline sisters to their convent in Ireland refer to belongings sent from New Orleans soon after the arrival of the nuns in 1851. Trace inscriptions in the upper compartment reveal fragments of sentences in French, and an address on Canal Street. The desk is signed with the initials MEK.
HTMLText_A4AB29EF_8B91_48BF_41D7_EADFEAC90FDB.html = Rag Rug
01.01.20 A
Permanent Collection
Rag rugs were widely used in the 19th and early 20th century in Texas. Immigrant pioneers brought the tradition of weaving rag rugs out of strips of old clothing with them from Europe. Production of rag rugs continues today in Europe and North America. This example is from Sweden.
HTMLText_A4AB29EF_8B91_48BF_41D7_EADFEAC90FDB_mobile.html = Rag Rug
01.01.20 A
Permanent Collection
Rag rugs were widely used in the 19th and early 20th century in Texas. Immigrant pioneers brought the tradition of weaving rag rugs out of strips of old clothing with them from Europe. Production of rag rugs continues today in Europe and North America. This example is from Sweden.
HTMLText_A9355ECE_8BB7_C8E1_418E_809AA3B4A3BF.html = Sampler Showing Shadow Weave patterns, 1970s
Marian Powell
Permanent Collection
Marian Powell was born in Perry, Iowa and lived the last ten years of her life in an artists' colony in Ajijic, Mexico. She came to the Southwest Craft Center as a visiting fiber artist specializing in pattern for Shadow Weaves.
Her book, 1000(+) Patterns in 4,6,and 8 Harness Shadow Weaves, was published by Robbin and Russ handweavers in 1976, and her collection of patterns remains an important resource for weavers today.
HTMLText_A9355ECE_8BB7_C8E1_418E_809AA3B4A3BF_mobile.html = Sampler Showing Shadow Weave patterns, 1970s
Marian Powell
Permanent Collection
Marian Powell was born in Perry, Iowa and lived the last ten years of her life in an artists' colony in Ajijic, Mexico. She came to the Southwest Craft Center as a visiting fiber artist specializing in pattern for Shadow Weaves.
Her book, 1000(+) Patterns in 4,6,and 8 Harness Shadow Weaves, was published by Robbin and Russ handweavers in 1976, and her collection of patterns remains an important resource for weavers today.
HTMLText_9536F220_8BB6_DBA1_41DD_9BE0D512C874.html = Serviam Pin
Gift of Mary Ann Saldivar
Students of the Ursuline sisters were given serviam pins in their junior year of high school or as a reward for service projects performed (Serviam means "I will serve".) The heraldic language symbolized in the field of stars represents the height of aspiration and constellation of Little Bear, which recalls the patron saint of the Ursuline Order, St. Ursula.
Little Bear also serves as a guide for the polar star and a fixed point through which man can keep to the right path in life.
HTMLText_9536F220_8BB6_DBA1_41DD_9BE0D512C874_mobile.html = Serviam Pin
Gift of Mary Ann Saldivar
Students of the Ursuline sisters were given serviam pins in their junior year of high school or as a reward for service projects performed (Serviam means "I will serve".) The heraldic language symbolized in the field of stars represents the height of aspiration and constellation of Little Bear, which recalls the patron saint of the Ursuline Order, St. Ursula.
Little Bear also serves as a guide for the polar star and a fixed point through which man can keep to the right path in life.
HTMLText_90A61A0B_8BB2_CB67_41D7_F4A719129CE2_mobile.html = Silver Medals, 1900-06
Lent by Katherine Bernier Price
Graduation and academic achievement medals were awarded to Ursuline students for high performance in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They were given for General Proficiency, Christian Doctrine and Studies, Progress in Studies, and Graduation. These medals were awarded to Josephine Garza between 1886-88, and Edith M. Buckley between 1900-1906.
HTMLText_90A61A0B_8BB2_CB67_41D7_F4A719129CE2.html = Silver Medals, 1900-06
Lent by Katherine Bernier Price
Graduation and academic achievement medals were awarded to Ursuline students for high performance in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They were given for General Proficiency, Christian Doctrine and Studies, Progress in Studies, and Graduation. These medals were awarded to Josephine Garza between 1886-88, and Edith M. Buckley between 1900-1906.
HTMLText_9D99D3AF_83A2_68B5_41D2_DBD175A2B77E.html = St. Angelus Bell
Long term loan from the Ursuline Sisters, San Antonio
The St. Angelus bell was erected on top of the Dormitory Building during the Ursuline period. When the building was threatened by demolition in the 1960s, the Ursuline nuns took the bell to their new north central campus. It was returned to this site in 2000.
Emily Edwards, a boarding student at the Ursuline Academy from 1898 to 1904 wrote:
Bells were the voice of the convent! We awoke to the Angelus ringing directly over our heads, calling to the whole city that a new day had come and to be up and praising the lord.
HTMLText_B8091CA4_8BEF_48A1_41D9_8E309EC09F87.html = St. Angelus Bell
Long term loan from the Ursuline Sisters, San Antonio
The St. Angelus bell was erected on top of the Dormitory Building during the Ursuline period. When the building was threatened by demolition in the 1960s, the Ursuline nuns took the bell to their new north central campus. It was returned to this site in 2000.
Emily Edwards, a boarding student at the Ursuline Academy from 1898 to 1904 wrote:
Bells were the voice of the convent! We awoke to the Angelus ringing directly over our heads, calling to the whole city that a new day had come and to be up and praising the lord.
HTMLText_9D99D3AF_83A2_68B5_41D2_DBD175A2B77E_mobile.html = St. Angelus Bell
Long term loan from the Ursuline Sisters, San Antonio
The St. Angelus bell was erected on top of the Dormitory Building during the Ursuline period. When the building was threatened by demolition in the 1960s, the Ursuline nuns took the bell to their new north central campus. It was returned to this site in 2000.
Emily Edwards, a boarding student at the Ursuline Academy from 1898 to 1904 wrote:
Bells were the voice of the convent! We awoke to the Angelus ringing directly over our heads, calling to the whole city that a new day had come and to be up and praising the lord.
HTMLText_B8091CA4_8BEF_48A1_41D9_8E309EC09F87_mobile.html = St. Angelus Bell
Long term loan from the Ursuline Sisters, San Antonio
The St. Angelus bell was erected on top of the Dormitory Building during the Ursuline period. When the building was threatened by demolition in the 1960s, the Ursuline nuns took the bell to their new north central campus. It was returned to this site in 2000.
Emily Edwards, a boarding student at the Ursuline Academy from 1898 to 1904 wrote:
Bells were the voice of the convent! We awoke to the Angelus ringing directly over our heads, calling to the whole city that a new day had come and to be up and praising the lord.
HTMLText_A64899CD_8B92_C8E3_41C5_5AAF819FF5F9_mobile.html = Steamer Trunk, late 19th c.
Gift of Mary Braunagel- Brown and Rose Braunagel Ainsworth, Ursuline Alumnae
This trunk was purchased in 1963 during the auction of items at the closing of the Ursuline Academy and Convent. The trunk was likely the property of one of the Ursuline nuns or a student boarder. In her book Stones, Bells, Lighted Candles Emily Edwards recalls that students, preceding their baths, would retrieve outfits from their personal trunks stored in the attic.
HTMLText_A64899CD_8B92_C8E3_41C5_5AAF819FF5F9.html = Steamer Trunk, late 19th c.
Gift of Mary Braunagel- Brown and Rose Braunagel Ainsworth, Ursuline Alumnae
This trunk was purchased in 1963 during the auction of items at the closing of the Ursuline Academy and Convent. The trunk was likely the property of one of the Ursuline nuns or a student boarder. In her book Stones, Bells, Lighted Candles Emily Edwards recalls that students, preceding their baths, would retrieve outfits from their personal trunks stored in the attic.
HTMLText_9945BBB4_8B46_978F_41D3_011A2252B193_mobile.html = Tobacconist Bottle End
Lent by Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory
University of Texas, Austin
The end of this hand blown vessel is stamped with the words "Tabac de A. Delpit Nouvelle Orleans." Tobacco venders in this period sold not only tobacco products, but also liquor and spirits. This may have been from a bottle used by the nuns for medicinal purposes.
HTMLText_9945BBB4_8B46_978F_41D3_011A2252B193.html = Tobacconist Bottle End
Lent by Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory
University of Texas, Austin
The end of this hand blown vessel is stamped with the words "Tabac de A. Delpit Nouvelle Orleans." Tobacco venders in this period sold not only tobacco products, but also liquor and spirits. This may have been from a bottle used by the nuns for medicinal purposes.
HTMLText_9D50C59B_8B42_93B9_41B6_2B4FD4CE0600_mobile.html = Two Clay Marbles, 1890-1910
Lent by Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory
University of Texas, Austin
The earliest American clay marbles date to the 1818-19 era, though they were not widely produced in factories until the 1890s. Around 1903, craftsman developed machinery for the mass production of glass marbles, and by the 1920s, glass marbles began to overtake clay ones in popularity.
HTMLText_9D50C59B_8B42_93B9_41B6_2B4FD4CE0600.html = Two Clay Marbles, 1890-1910
Lent by Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory
University of Texas, Austin
The earliest American clay marbles date to the 1818-19 era, though they were not widely produced in factories until the 1890s. Around 1903, craftsman developed machinery for the mass production of glass marbles, and by the 1920s, glass marbles began to overtake clay ones in popularity.
HTMLText_AD177C2C_8B91_CFA1_41B6_8A8858D0D153.html = Ursuline Academy Gateway Arch
Permanent Collection
This wrought iron arch was located at the pedestrian entrance to the Ursuline Academy on Navarro Street. This entrance was closed after the 1967 fire that destroyed the Second Academy Building.
Similar arches grace the pedestrian entrance from the river and Convent Street.
HTMLText_AD177C2C_8B91_CFA1_41B6_8A8858D0D153_mobile.html = Ursuline Academy Gateway Arch
Permanent Collection
This wrought iron arch was located at the pedestrian entrance to the Ursuline Academy on Navarro Street. This entrance was closed after the 1967 fire that destroyed the Second Academy Building.
Similar arches grace the pedestrian entrance from the river and Convent Street.
HTMLText_B9DDA60E_8BF7_3B61_41C6_BF258FCDF0CA.html = Wafer Press, 19th c.
Lent by Helen Yturri
Nuns have traditionally produced communion wafers for local parishes, in addition to producing them for their own use. This communion wafer press, which came from the Ursuline Convent, shows symbols of the Passion (such as the ladder, nails, and crown of thorns) and may have been used especially for Easter celebrations.
HTMLText_B9DDA60E_8BF7_3B61_41C6_BF258FCDF0CA_mobile.html = Wafer Press, 19th c.
Lent by Helen Yturri
Nuns have traditionally produced communion wafers for local parishes, in addition to producing them for their own use. This communion wafer press, which came from the Ursuline Convent, shows symbols of the Passion (such as the ladder, nails, and crown of thorns) and may have been used especially for Easter celebrations.
HTMLText_A67C9D8D_8B96_C963_41A6_19C26DAE292A_mobile.html = Washstand, 19th c.
Gift of Rosalyn Collier
Returned by the donor who had purchased it at the Ursuline auction when the convent closed, this pine washstand was typical of those used throughout the living quarters of the Convent and Academy.
HTMLText_A67C9D8D_8B96_C963_41A6_19C26DAE292A.html = Washstand, 19th c.
Gift of Rosalyn Collier
Returned by the donor who had purchased it at the Ursuline auction when the convent closed, this pine washstand was typical of those used throughout the living quarters of the Convent and Academy.
## Tour
### Description
### Title
tour.name = SSA Ursuline Museum