Buenaventura (Ven) Basco
University of Central Florida
Buenaventura (Ven) Basco is the Engineering and Computer Science librarian in the Research and Information Services Department (RIS) at the UCF Libraries. As the only Engineering Librarians serving the entire College of Engineering and Computer Science with an enrollment of over 13,000 undergraduate and graduate students, he handles library instruction, research consultations, and collection development.
Date/Time | Session | Session Type |
July 28, 2022
2:24 pm–2:31 pm
Successful Collaboration with an Engineering Faculty in Selecting the Required Course Textbook Using Library MaterialsThe high cost of textbooks is one of the most pressing education issues of our time. Each year, textbooks have been less and less affordable to students specially textbooks in the STEM discipline. Before deciding whether to purchase or rent them, students would regularly check the library to see if their course materials are available […]
Lightning Talk |