From Zero to Python in 10.5 Hours: Building Foundational Programming Skills in an Introductory Workshop Series

- Session Type: Presentation
- Date: July 29, 2022
- Time: 3:25 pm–3:50 pm
Speaker: Geoffrey P. Timms,
Scientists generate increasing amounts of data, often resulting in published papers, datasets, or web-based applications. Python is a general-purpose programming language that can support researchers in data analysis and processing tasks, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and web-based applications. In Spring 2022, the Marine Resources Library, College of Charleston, offered a workshop series to introduce marine biology graduate students and state and federal research partners to the basics of this open source, highly readable programming language. Using small cohorts, Jupyter Notebooks, and active learning strategies, we guided participants through a hands-on experience of programming fundamentals to develop basic coding skills and an understanding of potential applications of Python in their research. Participants expressed interest in continuing to learn data science skills with Python, while some recognized immediate applications of Python for their work. This presentation will describe our course design and delivery to encourage other librarians to explore providing similar workshops.