Course Awards
The BIO 1404 & 1414 team has replaced the former $200 textbook in all sections BIO 1404 and 1414 with Biology from OpenStax. OpenStax, a nonprofit affiliated with Rice University, works directly with faculty subject matter experts and funders like the Hewlett Foundation to create peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks that are free for students.
More from Jaffe:
“OpenStax Biology compares highly to most of the leading introductory biology textbooks. Our faculty have invested significant time and effort integrating the new book into their sections of the course, allowing them to build a more engaging, relevant, and top-tier biology learning experience of highest value to our students.
All sections of Biosciences I & II adopted OpenStax Biology in the Fall 2017 semester and course-wide by the Spring of 2018. Faculty teaching these two courses have met and discussed course-wide adoption of this open source textbook and there was consensus favoring complete adoption by all instructors. Course-wide adoption was also favored by the Department of Biology Chair.”