508 Compliance

The UTSA Libraries web team is constantly working to improve accessibility of the library website, be it for persons using assisted technologies, or to improve usability in general. We work to comply with state and federal law regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requiring that facilities and websites are useful and navigable to all persons regardless of their abilities. We also follow UTSA’s ADA standards.

This website was developed using the latest web standards in XHTML and CSS. Content has been written so that it has the proper hierarchy.

This website has been tested for errors using Aria WAVE software and is considered error free. In order to more consistently deliver a broad array of student and faculty services, UTSA Libraries may work with third party software vendors to supplement our online offerings. The compliance of these vendor’s services cannot be guaranteed - though there are efforts to help improve their products. 


As we continually work to improve our website and facilities, we welcome your feedback - please let us know how we can improve.

Information on our library facilities accessibility