Course Awards
Roberts is working with the team of MAT 1193 instructors to coordinate the replacement of the primary textbook in all sections of MAT 1193 with content from various OpenStax textbooks, crafting a tailored text for UTSA students.
More from Roberts:
“The text currently used is not 100% what I need for my course as most textbooks are purely mathematical based. It is difficult to find a Calculus text with only Biology based examples. I would like the textbook to not stray off to other areas such as engineering, business, etc.
The students also have to purchase a code for an online homework program. My plan is to write my own homework problems as well as find textbooks that I can piece together along with my own content to come up with something that suits the Biology students better. The only tools outside the current textbook are my own worksheets and projects that I will continue to implement within my course.
My long term vision is to set up my own interactive text with videos that I have currently online as well as activities for the students to complete within the text-based on Biology examples. I have many project files already written by myself as well as in-class group activities that I would like to implement within the textbook.”