Course Awards
The CRJ 3013 has replaced the former $140 textbook in all sections of CRJ 3013 with a UTSA Libraries’ e-book: Introduction to Criminal Justice Research Methods: An Applied Approach.
More from the team:
"All Criminal Justice majors are required to take CRJ 3013 Research Design and Analysis. With over 900 majors and seven sections of CRJ 3013 offered each year, a substantial number of students at UTSA take this course each school year (over 200). Textbooks for this course are traditionally expensive (~$139.95 new) and while the instructors may use different textbooks, all textbooks for this course lead to a substantial financial burden for the students. If free textbooks are adopted, this would save students over $30,000 each year (if textbooks were purchased new).
"Conversations with students who take CRJ 3013 indicate that the cost of the textbook provides a substantial burden. As a result, numerous students refrain from purchasing the textbook for the course. Many of the students in Criminal Justice refrain from seeking additional help from attending class (due to work and family obligations), seeking additional help from the professor of the course due time limitations (work or family obligations) or the general feeling that asking for help is a sign of weakness. As a result, it is imperative that students have a textbook at their disposal to provide additional instruction. While the Criminal Justice faculty actively work to encourage students to seek help outside of class when they struggle with course material, there is still a hesitation from students. Moreover, when they do seek help, it often becomes clear that the students do not have the textbook to aid in instruction limiting student comprehension. Therefore, the goal of adopting free textbooks for CRJ 3013 is twofold: 1) to reduce the financial burden to CRJ majors and 2) to improve student success for CRJ 3013.
After discussion, CRJ faculty have agreed that it is imperative to improve student success for CRJ 3013 given its requirement to complete the CRJ degree and that it serves as the foundation for all 4000 level courses. We believe that the adoption of free textbooks will improve student success in the course since all students will not be subject to a financial obligation associated with completing the course's assigned reading and additional instruction will readily be available outside of the classroom or professor's office. In general, we believe that if we can reduce students' financial burdens associated with instruction, we will improve morale. Moreover, if free textbooks are used, we anticipate additional student participation and involvement in class due to the students being better able to prepare for class instead of waiting for the professor to teach the material as the sole form of instruction.
It is our hope as CRJ faculty to embolden our students with the quest for knowledge and love of learning. We believe that by reducing student hesitations associated with purchasing course materials, we will strengthen the desire to learn and participate in our courses. Moreover, we believe these efforts will translate into improved student success rates for CRJ 3013."