Crystal Colombini, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean and Associate Professor of Social Foundations,

Course Awards


English 4433: Advanced Professional Writing
Student savings/semester

Colombini has replaced the primary textbook for her sections of Advanced Professional Writing with content from Writing Commons. Writing Commons contains peer-reviewed and freely accessible teaching and learning materials for courses in academic writing, information literacy, research methods and methodologies, new media communication, professional and technical communication, creative writing, and more. In addition to Writing Commons, Colombini also draws from a variety of other open access and free content, including professional blogs, Forbes and more, curating a collection of current and relevant professional writing readings for her students.   

More from Colombini: 

“My role in the last year has been to pilot a new curriculum that will serve as a capstone experience for students in the Professional Rhetoric and Writing emphasis, a robust and growing subsection of the English major. It is likely that as the demand for this course grows, other colleagues—many of whom are already committed to digital publishing options—will adapt or adopt the curriculum I design around open-access materials. Moreover, I intend to use this exploration into open-access materials to advocate for more open-access integration into other aspects of the PWR curriculum, including the pre-requisite Technical Writing Course, which serves more than 600 students per year. Pedagogically, professionally, and of course financially, I believe that students in my course and other courses in this curriculum will benefit from being oriented toward the rich array of resources that are available through free digital channels to support writing excellence.”

Colombini: 2019 OER Workshop