EE 3413

Electrical Engineering
College of Sciences

Course Awards


EE 3413: Analysis & Design
Student savings/semester
Yufang Jin, Ph.D., Chunjiang Qian, Ph.D., & Yongcan Cao

Using NSF grant funds, the EE 3413 team has created free interactive online recitation modules, demonstration videos, and animation to elucidate basic concepts in control systems. These free learning materials have replaced the former $130 textbook in this class.

More from the team:

"EE 3413 is a core course for all students enrolled in Electrical and Computer Engineering with an average student enrollment of about 150/year. The current textbooks adopted cost $130-$214 which is a big financial burden for students. This will be the first free textbook class in the department."

"Adoption of free textbooks will release the financial burden of students significantly. Meanwhile, it will allow faculty members to integrate different teaching and learning approaches during the class. As the concentration chair of Control in the department, we have established a dropbox folder for all faculty members in control concentration to adopt the course materials. So, the open educational resources will be shared within the department. We expect this adoption of a free textbook project will improve the teaching-learning effectiveness."