Marina "Red" Madden

Assistant Professor of Instruction,

Course Awards


COM 3623: Commercial Publications
Student savings/semester

Madden is replacing the primary textbook in all sections of her commercial publications course with Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Cloud - Revised Edition from the Open Textbook Library.  Open Textbook Library books are reviewed by faculty from a variety of colleges and universities and are either used at multiple higher education institutions or affiliated with an institution, scholarly society, or professional organization. The Open Textbook Library is supported by the Center for Open Education at the University of Minnesota and the Open Textbook Network.

More from Madden:

"It is difficult to discover a textbook in the visual design discipline that covers foundations of design, historical perspectives as well as technical executions using Adobe tools—the industry standard for design, PR and communication professionals. However, with the help of our COM Librarian, DeeAnn Ivie, at UTSA, we were able to identify a book up to par with the content and context of my COM course that covers basic foundations and principles of layout and digital production."