Thad Bartlett, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair,
College of Liberal and Fine Arts

Course Awards


ANT 3503: Human Origins
Student savings/semester

Bartlett is using content from Explorations: An Open Invitation to Biological Anthropology, an open textbook developed with support from the Society for Anthropology in the Community. The textbook is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License, giving Bartlett the freedom to copy, redistribute, remix, transform, or add to the content and tailor for this curricular needs. He is supplementing with content from the International Encyclopedia of Anthropology from the UTSA Libraries.

More from Bartlett:

"My efforts to identify free-to-student resources are ongoing. While open educational resources are rare in biological anthropology, other online resources, which are available through the library, are suitable for upper-division and graduate students. I recently advocated for the library to purchase the International Encyclopedia of Anthropology and intend to use several of its entries in my graduate seminar next fall (ANT 5073 Advanced Biological Anthropology)."