WS 2013

College of Education and Human Development

Course Awards


WS 2013: Introduction to Women's Studies
Student savings/semester
Veronica Luna, Lecturer I, Danielle Lopez, Lecturer I, Olga Estrada, Lecturer I, Andrea Tucker, Lecturer I

The team has adopted Introduction to Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies and is working with UTSA Librarians to create an existing no cost textbook tailored to WS 2013 content.  Since the OER text they are using has a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License, they have the freedom to copy, redistribute, remix, transform, and tailor the content for their curricular needs.

More from the team:

"In WS 2013: Introduction to Women's Studies, we aim to provide students with critical feminist inquiry tools to assess how women’s lived experiences are shaped by such categories as race, ethnicity, class, nationality, sexuality, and disability. We also examine theories and analytical concepts that emerge from specific historical periods and social movements.

Prior to Summer 2019, we assigned the 6th Edition of "Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives.” However, we were informed that the textbook was out of print. In end-of-semester feedback, students reported that they preferred access to a no-cost or low-cost online textbook and a more updated text.

To meet these needs, we adopted Introduction to Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies. While this text has partially met our instructional needs, we would like to further tailor the content and integrate various freely-licensed materials to best support student learning.

As a philosophy and movement, open educational resources aligns with REGSS' commitment to equality and social justice. Universal access to educational materials contributes to the democratization of knowledge and aligns with feminist pedagogy. Our team plans to advocate for increased adoption among faculty by tracking data to understand how the use of OER materials impacts the student learning experience and academic performance across our learning outcomes compared to prior semesters."