Zlatko Koinov, Ph.D.

Associate Professor,
Physics & Astronomy
College of Sciences

Course Awards


PHY 1943: Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Student savings/semester

Koinov has replaced the former $200 textbook in all his sections of PHY 1943 with University Physics from OpenStax. OpenStax, a nonprofit affiliated with Rice University, works directly with faculty subject matter experts and funders like the Hewlett Foundation to create peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks that are free for students.

More from Koinov:

“After reviewing the OpenStax textbook “University Physics” I found that the three-volume collection is very similar to the present textbook that I am using for our two-semester calculus-based physics course. The advantages are: (a) this opportunity can save students money on textbook costs; (b) it will greatly expanded access to a wide variety of free educational materials; (c) it will also save me time and effort because I can reuse, modify, and build on materials developed by other instructors.”