Stan Renard, Ph.D.

Associate Professor,

Course Awards


History of Recorded Music
Student savings/semester


Introduction to the Music Industry
Student savings/semester

More from Renard:

“I am the coordinator of the Music Marketing program at UTSA and thus, responsible for selecting the textbooks to be used in the Music Marketing courses. I have noticed that very few of my students commit to purchasing the textbooks for my courses. I received an OER grant for my Introduction to the Music Industry course in 2017 and had a phenomenal experience transforming that course. With the daunting task in summer 2018 of producing a new core course that will have a wide reach, I wanted to get ahead of the curve and take advantage of this OER opportunity. The standard traditional textbook for MUS 2713 topic is too expensive and students just do not have the means to buy it. I also feel that providing the students with a wide variety of resources rather than committing to one textbook will make the course much more exciting.  As the creator of MUS 2713, my colleagues will rely on my judgment as to what resources to use and will be glad to know that they do not have to ask students to purchase another textbook.”

Hear more about Renard’s work at the UTSA Libraries 2018 Adopt a Free Textbook Workshop.