Any UTSA Libraries staff may come onto campus to work and may book office space to do so via the Staff Room Reservation system. We will no longer have first-come, first-served spaces available.
Please be sure to reserve the space you are occupying, and honor reservations made by your colleagues. Reservations can be made online via computer or mobile device.
Several areas are available for staff officing both at the John Peace Library and the Downtown Library. Please note the name changes to the areas:
- John Peace Library
- Library Administration Suite (formerly Dean’s Suite: 4.04.08)
- Library Front Desk Suite (formerly Access Services area: 2.01.06)
- Coming soon: Library Technology Suite (formerly Acquisitions and Metadata area: 4.02.10). This area will become available once facilities installs swipe card devices. Acquisitions and Metadata staff may continue to use the area for officing if staffers still have keys to former offices; however, once the rooms go online, they will be available for all staff to reserve and use.
- Downtown Library
- Downtown Library Suite (formerly DTL staff/meeting space: 2.314G, 2.314H, 2.314L)
In order to accommodate all staff and the various working needs, office space may be reserved any time and any day, including weekends and overnight. Please note, for access to the libraries after hours, be sure you have appropriate swipe card access to the building. If you haven’t been on campus in several weeks, your access is erased by the system and will need to be reset. Check with your supervisor to request after-hours access to any of the libraries.
The room reservation system will be the only way we will determine space use. Even if a door is open and appears to be vacant, please confirm using the room reservation system. If the space is reserved by a colleague, please honor that request and find a different office. We will be tracking office use and occupancy levels to make informed decisions for future space needs.
Please confirm that the room is not already previously booked before entering. If the room appears to be available, log on to the room reservation system and confirm that no one is booked to use it. If it’s free, you may submit your reservation and occupy the space once you do so. We will be tracking office use and occupancy to make informed decisions for future space needs. Please note, reservations can also be made using a mobile device.
No. Most staff will work in a hybrid modality—some work on campus and some work at home. In some instances, you may only need to be on campus for a short period of time.
If business need dictates, you may split your workday between campus and home. For example, if your supervisor calls an in-person meeting but the rest of your work that day can be done at home, you can work your remaining hours at home. You will still need to work your full workday regardless of location. Travel time to home and back is not considered work time. Do be sure to reserve space if you need it while you are on campus. This allows us to track and monitor space use.
Access to staff spaces will be available using your UTSA ID card. Staff common areas, such as the Library Administration Suite, will remain locked to the general public so that students and other library users don’t wander into them. No physical keys will be needed to access individual offices. They will remain unlocked at all times.
Feel free to come and go as you need if you have reserved the room. Your reservation will guarantee your use of the space. Please remember to lock your computer screen, and secure private, sensitive documents and belongings if you need to leave temporarily.
There are many ways to find your colleagues:
- Microsoft TEAMS
- Phone
- Planning ahead will help with coordination between colleagues.
There are many ways your colleagues can find you:
- Microsoft TEAMS
- Phone
- Meet your guests in a central library space (examples: at the elevators, at the front desk, at the entrance to the library administration suite)
There will be descriptions of each office space on the room reservation system along with information on docking stations. Think through your needs and choose accordingly.
Only reservations made online will be honored. Please check to be sure you have a reservation for the space you are occupying. We will no longer have first-come, first-served spaces available. As mentioned previously, this will help us track office use and occupancy to make informed decisions for future space needs.
- If you are locked out of a shared office, please contact Cheri Bratton or Josh Cox.
- If technology is not working in the shared office, please submit a TraSy.
- If the room reservation system is not working, please submit a TraSy.
- If someone else’s personal items are found in an office, please contact the person and/or Cheri Bratton or Josh Cox.
- Please post questions or other feedback on the “Staff Room Reservation” thread on Basecamp HQ so that issues may be addressed and questions may be answered in a timely manner by the appropriate staff.