Information Specialist
Digital Humanities & User Engagement
Subject Specialist For
- Engineering (General)
- Historic Preservation
I’m Diane López, Information Specialist for Digital Projects and the subject librarian for Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design. I can assist you in finding related sources such as standards, codes, and patent research. Additionally, I can help with citation management, statistical software, GIS, and data visualization tools.
Let me share a bit about my educational journey: I earned an Associate of Arts in Geographic Information Systems from San Antonio College, a Bachelor’s in Sociology and Political Science from Texas A&M University-San Antonio, and a Master’s in Library and Information Science from the University of Washington.
My interests include Indigenous Knowledge Systems, GIS, and digital scholarship. I’ve researched the digital divide, information practices, mobile communication apps for English language learners, human migration, fotohistorias (photostories), and serious games.
My Google Scholar Citations profile is https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=cGR2eMQAAAAJ.