Information Specialist
Digital Humanities & User Engagement
Subject Specialist For
I’m Javier Ruedas, Information Specialist for Digital Projects and subject librarian for Modern Languages and Literatures, Anthropology, and Linguistics. I can help you find information in these fields, as well as to formulate and refine research topics.
As Information Specialist, I work on digital projects for UTSA Libraries’ Community-Engaged Digital Scholarship Hub. My specialties are web development, data storage, and data retrieval. I am happy to help with planning and development of digital humanities projects, particularly involving web interfaces or digital collection management systems.
I have a B.A. in Anthropology and a Master’s in Information Studies from the University of Texas, and an M.A. and PhD in Anthropology from Tulane University. My anthropology research focused on political activities of Indigenous Amazonian peoples. I have done fieldwork in both cultural and linguistic anthropology and I have taught courses cultural, linguistic, and biological anthropology, as well as courses with some content in Latin American archaeology.
I am fluent in Spanish, French, and Portuguese, and have studied several other languages including German and Catalan. I minored in French at the University of Texas and taught Spanish for three years at Tulane University.
My Google Scholar citations profile is: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=yDUBTtMAAAAJ