Limiting Noise in the Library

We want all students, faculty, and other library patrons to have a positive, productive experience when using our library facilities for study and research.  

Please be respectful of others' need for quiet by not talking in designated quiet study spaces.  If you talk or make noise in a quiet study space, you may be asked to move to another area.

Throughout our libraries, we ask that you keep noise levels low to avoid disturbing those who are studying. Library staff and UTSA Security reserve the right to ask disruptive or noisy patrons to leave the building.

  • In collaborative study areas such as GroupSpot and TeamSpace, keep noise levels low to avoid disturbing other students.
  • Group study rooms are not soundproof, and patrons are asked to keep voices to a low level.
  • Set your cell phone to vibrate before entering the library.
  • You may use your cell phone in any area of the library, except those designated as quiet areas. Please limit your cell phone conversations.
  • Mute the speakers on your laptop and other electronic devices.
  • Keep headphone volume low.
  • Because of its focus on collaborative work spaces, there is no designated quiet study area in the AET Library. The AET Library's group study rooms do not have full floor-to-ceiling walls, so patrons are asked to keep noise levels low.