The UTSA Libraries recently administered LibQUAL+, a user satisfaction survey from the Association of Research Libraries to solicit, track, understand and act upon users' opinions on library facilities, collections and services. Through a four-week period from mid-March to mid-April, UTSA Libraries received 2,435 survey responses from the UTSA community. Overall, user satisfaction with the Libraries increased from 7.68 in 2019 to 7.73 in 2023.

"This survey is instrumental in gathering the UTSA community's perspective on how we are doing," said Dean Hendrix, UTSA vice provost and university librarian. "The results are analyzed carefully to ensure that the library continues to grow and fulfill the needs of those we serve."
Using a nine-point scale, LibQUAL+ asks users about the minimum level of service they expect, their desired level of service, and their perception of the Libraries’ current level of service. From these data points, a gap analysis is performed to understand how the Libraries is meeting user expectations.
Though traditionally administered biennially, the library skipped administering the survey in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The library will use the survey results and over 200 comments to inform future projects and investments and benchmark its performance against other academic libraries. Data from past surveys has resulted in more quiet study space, improved Wi-Fi, and a reservation system for group study rooms. Additionally, the responses from the 2017 and 2019 surveys spurred the Libraries to add 80 new windows to the John Peace Library’s third floor.
While most comments laud the Libraries staff's great work, others provide thoughtful feedback for improving the library.
"We continually seek to improve library services," Hendrix said. "It's because of the feedback we've received over the years that we can continue to evolve and make the library a second home for our students."
To promote survey participation among students, the Libraries placed participating students' names in a random drawing to win Apple AirPods Max over-ear headphones or an iPad. The Libraries announced Anna Ng, a student in the College of Education and Human Development, won the AirPods Max, and Mickey Raley, a student in University College, won the iPad.
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