


Mexican Cookbook Collection Highlighted in New Video

UTSA’s Mexican Cookbook Collection is featured in a new video with Rico Torres, chef and co-owner at Restaurant Mixtli.
The collection is one of the largest of its kind in the U.S. with more than 1,800 items produced between 1789 and the present. Among the many gems in the collection are handwritten recipe books providing an intimate view of domestic life and Mexican culinary culture. Other areas of focus include regional cooking, healthy and vegetarian recipes and corporate advertising cookbooks.

Summer Changes at the John Peace and AET Libraries

Renovations will be taking place in both the John Peace Library and AET Library this summer, which will provide returning students with more modernized study spaces in the fall.

Veterans Study Room Opens at John Peace Library

UTSA Libraries is proud to announce the grand opening of a new room dedicated to UTSA’s student veterans. The Veterans Study Room, located on the John Peace Library’s 3rd floor (JPL 3.03.54), was funded in part through a generous donation from the USAA Foundation.

UTSA Libraries welcomes new students and a new semester

Summer and early fall are busy seasons at the UTSA Libraries, full of activities to welcome and orient the newest members of the UTSA community.


UTSA Libraries Launches Redesigned Special Collections Website

UTSA Libraries is proud to announce the launch of a new website showcasing the university’s Special Collections—rare books and archives documenting the diverse histories and development of San Antonio and South Texas.